Tuesday, April 24, 2007

A short, but pleasant Sunday

This Sunday we drove along the water for a while and explored the secret neighborhoods hidden on dead ended streets along the water. Some were very interesting with unique architecture. Some were "unique" with that elegant 50's architecture, you know the ranch houses that are brick or stone facade on the bottom half and painted wood shingling on the top half. Got a weird feeling driving through those few blocks: a little bit of time travel.

When crossing the Narrows Bridge I spotted a set of train tracks running along the water under a cliff and a tunnel. Close to the tunnel there was a row of houses on the 40 or so feet between the water and the cliff. Dave suggested we check that out on a future Sunday and I agreed. After that we went to our usual and very peaceful spot in Gig Harbor, had cinnamon buns, and examined maps of Washington (for trips before the end of school) and Colorado (for a Sunday to Sunday road trip we will take this summer).

Hope to have a big trip this Sunday, we'll see how much work we've both got.

Thanks for reading,


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